Email automation allows you to expand your marketing efforts without hiring additional employees. Automatic emails can be set off by certain events - such as someone signing up for your list or reaching an important milestone - and can then be sent out in sequence.

Living Social's onboarding campaign utilizes expiring offers in automated emails to entice new subscribers to make an immediate purchase, while cross- and upsells keep customers engaged with their brand.

best automated email campaigns

Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are the first touchpoint a business makes with new subscribers and customers, providing a great opportunity to introduce yourself, explain what your company does, and give newcomers a sense of what to expect from you brand. Welcome email marketing also allows marketers to collect useful leads while nurturing these relationships for future commitment.

Automated email campaigns that start off well are those which begin with a warm and friendly greeting from your business, complete with personal greetings and relevant details about it. This lets new customers and subscribers know that you value them. Adding your contact details in this welcome message ensures they can reach you whenever needed for any questions or issues they might be experiencing.

Another key goal of welcome emails should be reassuring subscribers and customers they made the correct choice by selecting your brand. You can do this by sharing testimonials or reviews from previous customers; providing useful information like special offers or discounts within their welcome emails can also serve this purpose.

At the end of the day, it is a good idea to give your audience an option to personalize their experience with your brand. One way of doing this would be asking what features or content they would prefer on your website or emails; you can gather this data through your signup form or marketing automation software such as Brevo that automatically sends out personalized emails.

TravelSupermarket asks its new subscribers if they would prefer receiving content through either its website or email newsletter, then sends out welcome emails offering different ways they can customize their experience - this enables them to develop strong and lasting relationships with customers. They also ensure their unsubscribe option is easy for subscribers to locate in emails; this prevents people from marking them as spam due to misreading it!

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Re-engagement Emails

Email marketers understand that some subscribers can become disengaged with their emails over time. Re-engagement campaigns can help revive lapsed subscribers and boost overall email engagement rates by being automatically initiated or by specific dates such as when someone has not opened an email in a certain amount of time.

Re-engagement emails should be designed to break the ice, reinforce value propositions and direct recipients toward your preference center. Most re-engagement campaigns should consist of at least three emails; however, you may customize this number according to your brand needs and email marketing tool's capabilities.

Make the most of your re-engagement campaign by customizing content and design to stand out from competitors and provide subscribers with a more tailored experience.

Employ your subscribers' data in your re-engagement campaign. For example, use their purchase or browsing history to determine what content is most engaging for them and tailor your email re-engagement messages accordingly to increase its chances of opening and engaging with it.

Re-engagement emails that work are clear, concise and designed to catch their reader's attention. They should include an appealing call-to-action that makes taking action simple for them. While most campaigns aim to nudge subscribers back onto subscription lists by subtly nudging them toward staying active subscribers again if their subscription lapses, more aggressive measures may also be used - for instance if someone doesn't open your re-engagement email you can send another one warning them that unless they reengage their subscription will be removed permanently from your list

Re-engagement campaigns provide businesses with an effective strategy for maintaining subscriber engagement and recovering revenue that might otherwise have been lost. By adhering to best practices such as personalization, consistency, relevance, valuable content and mobile optimization you can develop an engaging re-engagement campaign that revitalizes inactive subscriber lists while increasing profits.

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Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails can help recover sales that were lost and convert prospective buyers into actual purchasers. These automated email campaigns work best when sent within 24 hours of a visitor abandoning their cart to increase conversion chances and encourage visitors to return and complete their purchase. Among the key components of an abandoned cart email should be items left behind, recommendations of other products they may find interesting and an attractive offer designed to lure them back. This should entice visitors back into returning to complete their order.

Writing effective abandoned cart emails requires both the subject line and body of an email to make an impressionful statement about your brand and business. Emails that include someone's first name in their sender field have much higher open rates; when possible use this to make the message feel more personal.

As an example, this email from EQUA uses the subject line, "Ride On Back!," to get their equestrian audience's attention and provide a call-to-action and discount code for their new range of horseback riding gear.

One way to entice customers back into your cart is by creating an air of urgency - either by adding a deadline to their order, or reminding them that product inventory is running low.

Dollar Shave Club emails provide another prime example of effective abandoned cart emails. Their subject lines are straightforward and appealing, while featuring product images to jog customers' memories and encourage click through. Furthermore, each message offers a money-back guarantee to remove any uncertainty for prospective buyers.

Email marketers can leverage customer testimonials to reassure potential customers and give their products more credibility, like Brooklinen does in their abandoned cart emails, which include 5-star reviews from verified buyers to convince potential customers to come back and buy. Furthermore, this email utilizes personalization by including each shopper's name in each review - helping build trust while increasing the chance they click through and complete their purchase on the website.

man writing on white board

Feedback Emails

Email can be an excellent way to stay in touch with customers and solicit feedback, yet having one-on-one conversations with each individual customer simply isn't feasible on an automated scale.

Instead of sending a feedback request right after each purchase manually, use an email automation to trigger it regularly afterward and include a clear call to action (CTA) so your target audience can fill out your survey easily and with less stress than before. Also consider adding some humor into your email, like Tolgee does here - this helps customers feel less threatened when giving their opinion without feeling intimidated!

Pro tip: Keep your message simple and targeted so as not to confuse or overwhelm customers with cross-selling or multiple calls to action. Athletic Greens keeps its automated feedback campaign messaging clear with one clickable button above the fold, as well as providing personalized product suggestions based on each shopper's history.

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Your feedback emails can become even more personalized by including the recipient's first name in their message, making them feel that it was written specifically for them and increasing response rates. For added customization, try including additional information such as their city or browsing history in your emails.

Email automation tools provide an efficient, effective means of automating email marketing campaigns. Find a tool that fits both your budget and business goals; track results so that you can continuously enhance your email strategy.

GetResponse is an efficient email marketing platform with templates, a drag-and-drop editor, tools for segmenting lists and measuring campaign performance - as well as easy integration with CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot.

AWeber is another well-recognized email marketing solution with an array of features. Its user-friendly email editor makes creating and sending emails easy, while its robust deliverability rates ensure they reach their audience. Furthermore, this tool offers free plans to small businesses so they can test it before investing in a paid subscription plan.

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